Delaware Wing
Main Content

Information Technology


1st Lt. Lewis Klaus, CAP

Director of Information Technology, Delaware Wing



Welcome to the Delaware Wing Information Technology Section!


We are here to help you utilize the tools and technology you need to ensure your mission with CAP can be fulfilled efficiently and successfully. Delaware Wing members, we want you to be aware of the following information technology services and information:

  1. Wing E-Mail Services - Delaware Wing has its own e-mail services, and everyone who is a member of the wing is strongly encouraged to apply for and utilize a wing e-mail address. A DEWG e-mail address should ONLY be used for CAP business, and not for any other personal or business functions, as well as personal email accounts should NOT be used for CAP business. In addition, it is required that all members who use a DEWG e-mail address use the approved CAP "signature" in their messages. Lt. Klaus can assist with setting up and properly formatting your e-mail. Contact Lt. Klaus to request a wing e-mail address.

  2. Laptops - Certain command and leadership positions are issued a CAP laptop. While these laptops are issued and tracked by the Director of Logistics, the operation of the laptop is governed by Information Technology, both at the Wing and National levels. Members issued a CAP laptop are not permitted to make any modifications to the hardware configuration of the laptop, nor can they change the pre-installed software (other than routine patching) without first obtaining permission from Information Technology.

  3. FirstNet Cellular Telephones - Members of DEWG are eligible to obtain a cell phone and service on the FirstNet network. This network was mandated by the US Government as a way for first responders to have priority access to the nation's cell phone system. DEWG members are recognized as "first responders" by FirstNet, and because of that, members are eligible to obtain service on the network. While DEWG CAP authorizes members on an annual basis as members of the wing, the members themselves are responsible for the payment of their own bills. Therefore, there are no restrictions on how members use their service once they are on the network (as in, service is not restricted to CAP business only). However, access to the network provides DEWG members with the ability to be "uplifted" in times of disasters or emergencies, thereby providing priority access to the cell phone network when other non-authorized users might not be able to use their phones. Contact Lt. Col. McClanahan for more information, or to request service on FirstNet.

  4. Microsoft Teams - Members of DEWG are eligible to use the wing's instance of Microsoft Teams for collaboration within their squadrons, operational or functional units, or any other team setting. This is provided at no cost to the member. Wing staff and squadron command leadership are very strongly encouraged to install Teams and use it for collaboration within the command structure.








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